Business consulting


Definition of International Marketing and International Marketing Consulting

The methods of allocating resources and goals of the company for marketing in foreign countries are called international marketing of the company that produces goods and services. In the field of international trade, different companies have to think about the globalization of trade in order to survive. Due to the means of fast communication, speed in transportation, ease of entry and exit of capital, goods produced in one country based on comparative advantage are accepted in other countries with success and enthusiasm.

International Marketing Consultant – International Competition and Business Development

International competition is growing rapidly, and companies that did not care about foreign competitors at all and limited their activities to domestic trade are now seeing competing goods in direct competition with their own.

International marketing consulting believes that preventing international trade in the long run increases the cost of domestic living and makes domestic business inefficient. Proper training and advice on international marketing purposefully prepares domestic companies and businesses to compete and enter foreign markets, and this will force domestic goods to be produced with better quality than before.

With the emergence of new markets and the enormous potential of international markets, all developed countries and a large number of developing countries are trying to encourage manufacturing and service companies to enter foreign markets. The important role of international marketing consultants in advising and assisting small and medium-sized companies in export planning is clearly visible, because the delay in entering international markets increases the risk of closing these markets to the company, and this is the beginning. Realized with international marketing consulting. Which shows the need of companies for international marketing consultant and management consultant.

International market or domestic market?

One of the most important things that any company should decide on is whether they want to operate in the field of international marketing or prefer to limit their activities to their own country. But often companies are reluctant to operate globally because they are comfortable with the important part of the domestic market they hold and do not want to learn the rules and regulations of overseas markets.

Factors that lead the company to globalization and international marketing:

  • Rising global economy
  • The scale of markets internationally
  • Lean and fresh overseas markets
  • The lucrative opportunities that exist in overseas markets.

How to enter international markets

All companies can operate globally in the following ways:

1– Through export: The easiest way to enter the field of international marketing is to export. In the export model, which is indirect, commercial companies make it easier for manufacturers to sell and buy goods and services in the overseas market, and in the export model, which is direct, the company makes it easier to sell goods and services in one of the following ways: he is doing it:

  • By forming a domestic export department in the form of a completely separate department
  • From overseas agencies that facilitate the development and sale of goods and distribution.
  • Through sales representatives who travel abroad.
  • Through donors or people who only work abroad on behalf of the company.

2- Internet tactics: These days, companies do not need to go to exhibitions abroad to show their products; They can advertise their products virtually, for example through the Internet and their company website or as an intermediary for potential foreign customers. The customer will be able to receive comprehensive information about the product they need through the site and buy the product in the same way.

This requires mastering the science of internet marketing or digital marketing and multilingual site according to the target market countries.

So today, the science of digital marketing and the expansion of the use of the Internet, the use of old international marketing methods such as the need for regular travel and participation in foreign exhibitions or the presence of a representative office in the country reduce the target market and companies can use Internet marketing to help your sales and international trade.

3- By interacting: Companies can enter the path of international marketing by interacting with other companies. For example, the collaboration between Sony and Ericsson companies under the brand name Sony Ericsson in mobile production.

4- By investing directly: Companies are able to invest or design their services in a completely direct way in other countries.

The goal of companies is to enter the international marketing path

Companies are always entering the international marketing debate with the desire to both increase sales and capture a very important part of the market. During the process of shaping the principles of marketing, some factors, such as the political situation, society, economy, culture and technologies of other countries should also be considered, because these issues are different in each country and their role in the market is very vital.

Why do companies need international marketing advice?

The question for companies is what position do we want to have in the domestic market and the global market?

What competitors do we have in each of these markets and what are their resources and strategies?

Where to produce it or where to buy it?

What connections should we form with other companies?

The answers to these questions will explain the duties of international marketing consultants.

To enter the global market, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

International marketing consultants with a thorough knowledge of the relevant countries, laws and regulations are able to offer appropriate solutions to the company. On the other hand, the high cost of adapting communications and goods in the market of the country in question should be studied. The international marketing consultant shows the necessary sensitivity to the economic and cultural situation and adapts the necessary changes of goods and services in terms of communications and advertising. Otherwise failure in the international market is inevitable.

Evaluate the global marketing environment with global marketing consulting:

It is necessary for the company to study various issues before deciding to sell and choose the sales area. The company that wants to operate in another country must be aware of the international trading system. Marketing consultants are well aware of the import restrictions of the target countries. Income and support tariffs, quota restrictions, currency control systems, non-tariff barriers are the most important of these restrictions.

The international marketing consultant considers the following factors in assessing the economic environment:

  • Livelihood economy
  • Economy based on the export of raw materials
  • The economy is becoming industrialized
  • Industry-based economics
  • Distribution of income
  • Monetary policy
  • Cultural environment
  • And the business environment, which ultimately reflects the behavior and rules in different countries, which is very different from country to country.

International Marketing Consulting and Foreign Market Influence: International Marketing for Exports

In order to penetrate global markets, the company must define its goals and policies. Determine what proportion of total sales it wants to allocate to foreign markets. Does it enter the foreign market in a limited way at first or not? Will it initially target only a few countries or will it export to many countries at the same time?

The logical answer to the above questions, by providing special and unique solutions to the type of activity of the company and the foreign market, depends on international marketing consulting and specialized consulting.

Marketing and Capital Returns Consultant:

Capital return is the goal of any company, so companies should do the following studies for return on capital:

Obtaining the total sales of similar industries, forecasting the future sales of similar industries through market research, forecasting the economic situation of countries and its effectiveness on industrial sales, forecasting the potential share of the company, forecasting costs and profits, estimating the return on capital and…

In fact, international marketing consulting states that by observing the points of entering the global market and choosing the appropriate method of entering the market, the rate of return on investment should be such that it is not only higher than the return on investment of the company domestically but also the investment risk in the country. New cover as well.

One of the valuable tasks of international marketing consulting to penetrate the foreign market is to choose the best way to enter:

Indirect exports

Direct export

Giving points



Each of the above methods has its own disadvantages and advantages according to the type of activity of the company, country and foreign market.

The Importance of International Marketing for Exports

There is no country today that can claim that it has no need for other countries and is independent in every way, whether economically or otherwise. The standard of living of the people of each country depends on the economy of each country in the field of import and export of goods, the country’s capital and the level of technological progress of that country, to what extent it has been able to provide the necessary facilities for people’s development.

Countries usually raise the level of their economy and economic development and increase their profits through international marketing for exports and imports. These countries, through imports, procure the goods they need and through exports, the goods that They produce more than they need and send it to other countries, in return for which it develops its economic level.

One of the benefits of international export marketing is that any country that can increase its exports, and thus make more profit, will increase its production and production factors, and that it will increase its production factors in terms of products. Which have more exports, increase.

Factors such as the need for the country to grow economically, the desire for global fame and supremacy, the policy of mass production and the need for foreign exchange earnings, the desire for industrial investment and factors such as this make international marketing important for exports in a country. Find more and become more apparent every day.

Among the goals of international marketing for exports are the following:

1- Strengthening the country’s market for trade with the world, as well as strengthening free trade between the countries of the world and efforts in this direction –

2- Globalization of services of each country and efforts to integrate the economies of countries and establish friendly relations and world peace between different countries – International Marketing

3- Exchange of different cultures of each other and the cultural growth of societies in the world – International Marketing

4- Contributing to the economy and growth of underdeveloped and developing countries and contributing to their development in the global free market – International Marketing