

Medical equipment is one of the equipments without which many patients’ lives will be endangered and that is why they are very important in medical science. These medical devices may be used to examine, diagnose, or treat diseases, and you may have seen many of them yourself.Examination equipment:

Examination equipment is one of the simplest equipment that you may have seen used by doctors in many offices. Even inside the house, this equipment can be seen and therefore their use is not limited to medical centers and clinics.

Simple devices such as blood pressure monitors are one of the simplest examination devices found in many homes today and are available to many people, especially those with high blood pressure.

Thermometer is one of the simple equipment that is used to measure body temperature and can be purchased by anyone at the lowest cost.



Among the equipment used for the examination are:

  • A flashlight that is used to examine the patient’s throat and so on.
  • A scale that is used to measure the weight of patients and normal people in order to check the body mass index, etc.
  • Blood glucose meter
  • Iceland
  • Otoscope
  • Retinoscope

Each of the examination tools listed above is useful in certain situations to measure or observe the symptoms of the disease.

Diagnostic tools can be simple or very complex. That’s why buying each of them may cost a different amount. Some of the simple tools used by a doctor for examination are actually diagnostic tools that are inexpensive. But advanced equipment used in radiotherapy or nuclear medicine uses technologies that will make their construction more complex and expensive.

Other diagnostic equipment in summary are:

  • Spirometer
  • Ultrasonic equipment
  • Radiographic equipment
  • Electroencephalogram
  • Electrocardiogram
  • R.I
  • CT scan equipment
  • Inside equipment
  • Heart rate and ECG equipment
  • Nerve tape recording equipment
  • Inside equipment
  • Radiation equipment

Some of the simple and inexpensive equipment used to treat patients are listed below:

  • Penst
  • Syringe
  • Needle
  • Needle catcher
  • Band


You have seen each of the above in many medical centers and even in doctors’ offices, which are used to inject or attach serum to patients. Other medical devices that may be less commonly used are listed below:

  • Angiocatheter
  • Oxygen generator
  • Atel
  • Suction
  • All kinds of laser equipment

Some of these laboratory equipments are:

  • Analyzer for chemical substances and compounds in the patient’s blood
  • Blood cell and laboratory cell counting device
  • Laboratory medical diagnostic kits
  • Analyzer
  • Auto Analyzer
  • Blood spectrometer

What is operating room equipment?

However, many of these devices should be available to the surgeon depending on the type of surgery (heart, kidney, brain, spine, etc.). But there are also equipments that are commonly found in most operating rooms:

  • Patient anesthesia equipment
  • Suction or suction device
  • monitor
  • Operating room desk
  • Operating room bed
  • Clamps or retainers
  • Directories
  • Operating room clothes and surgical guns
  • Tourniquet
  • Surgical mask
  • Mayo table

In an operating room, it is possible that each of the simple tools such as razors, scissors, etc. to advanced tools such as lasers, etc. have their own importance and with the help of this equipment and other advanced equipment that is possible today Patients can be treated with surgery.

What is dental equipment?

Dentistry (and many other medical specialties) each have their own equipment. In this section, we will only refer to the products used in dentistry to get acquainted with the differences between the applications and the high variety of these equipments.

Dental suction device is one of these items that is specially designed and manufactured for saliva suction and  etc.

Amalgamators, autoclaves and dental units are some of the equipment that you may not have heard of, but these names are quite familiar to people familiar with the dental profession.

Other dental equipment includes:

  • Dental mirror
  • Dental turbine
  • Tabura
  • Farz
  • Light Cure
  • Tooth scaler
  • Milling Angle
  • Shield
  • Surgical Blade
  • Micro brush
  • Temporary dental veneer