Fuel Oil

Fuel oil

Fuel oil is known by industrial names such as incinerators. This compound is a type of low quality and high viscosity furnace oil, which is widely used in thermal power plants and similar cases. In Europe and the United States, diesel is produced from diesel. This material has been used in the past to heat homes.



Fuel oil is a waste from the distillation of gasoline, liqueur, kerosene and parts of diesel oil from oil. This oil contains all the remaining fuel oils, including the oils obtained from their composition. Its kinetic viscosity is higher than 10 CST at 80 ° C. The flash point is always above 50 ° C and the density is always above 0.90 kg.

Depending on the chemical, it can be used as a boiler oil, in the preparation of lubricating oils, in the process of cracking or hydrogenation to produce engine fuel (gasoline or diesel oil) and in the production of bitumen and coke.

Furnace oil is produced in Iran in three grades: 180, 280 and 380. The two grades 280 and 380 are composed of the remains of distillation towers. Which has many applications in fuel. Because, they do not cause problems in fuel systems.


Composition and characteristics

VLFO “Very Low Sulfur”: Fuel oil with 0.5% sulfur content.

“Low Sulfur” LFO: A fuel oil with a sulfur content of 0.5-1.0.

“Normal Sulfur” FO: A fuel oil with a sulfur content of 1.0-2.0.

“High Sulfur” HFO: A fuel oil with a sulfur content of 2.0-3.5%.