Iron Sheet

Iron sheet

Hot rolled steel and sheet metal products are commonly used for industrial applications throughout the world. With a wide range of options, HR plate and sheet metal products provide numerous advantages that cannot be replicated by other metal products.
At ATT, we supply premium hot rolled steel and sheet metal products to customers throughout Southern California, Arizona, and Northern Mexico. Get the high-quality metal products you need and keep your project on-time and on budget. We make metal purchasing easy by providing multiple purchasing options with all metal orders.

To learn more about our hot rolled steel plate and sheet metal options, get in touch with our sales team to find the metal product that meets your project specifications. At ATT, our metal experts understand the specifications and advantages of our entire inventory of metal products. Let us help you with your metal needs today.

Iron Sheet


Steel reinforcing rebar stock materials reinforce concrete and masonry structures for various industrial applications. Rebar bar materials are manufactured from high-grade carbon steel for increased tensile strength and ease of bending and forming.

Iron Sheet




Brass bar is an ideal material for a wide range of applications. An alloy of copper and zinc, brass provides good durability, high corrosion resistance, and excellent aesthetics, all at a lower cost than comparable copper or bronze materials. Brass bar is easy to machine and otherwise fabricate, as needed.

Applications for Brass Bar

Brass bar is a versatile material that is chosen for both its mechanical properties and its sleek, decorative appearance. Common industrial applications of brass bar include:

  • Decorative architecture
  • Construction
  • Industrial equipment
  • Plumbing
  • ElectricalIron Sheet


Copper sheet and copper plate find use in a huge array of applications. One of few metals that doesn’t need to be extracted from ore (i.e., it is directly usable in its natural state), copper exhibits excellent thermal and electrical conductivity, good ductility, and a natural resistance to corrosion. Copper plate and sheet offer excellent dimensional control and high crack resistance, which make these materials easy to cut, machine, and otherwise form.

Applications for Copper Plate & Copper Sheet

Copper sheet and plate offer unique properties (noted above) that make them useful in a wide range of applications. Copper can also be formed into very thin foil. Common uses for copper sheet, copper plate, and copper foil include:

  • Construction/architecture
  • Auto manufacturing
  • Electrical components
  • Marine applications
  • HVAC systemsIron Sheet