
Kerosene Gallon

Kerosene is a section of crude oil whose boiling range is immediately after gasoline and contains hydrocarbons C10 to C14. The welding distance of this oil cut is approximately between 190˚C to 270˚C. Fuel and kerosene are both subsets and products of kerosene. These compounds are colorless and can have different uses.


Among the uses of kerosene that were very common in the past is its use as fuel for oil heaters and lighting fixtures. Today, with the expansion of the use of city gas and electricity, such applications are less significant. Kerosene is also a fuel used in tractors and some agricultural machinery, which is obtained from refining crude oil in refineries.

ATT Trading Company, with the cooperation of its experts and specialists in the field of export of goods, is ready to cooperate with you in the export of crosses in different grades from the producing countries. According to the agreement between us and you, all administrative and legal affairs of exporting goods, along with transportation or administrative affairs of the destination country and انجام will be done by our experts