Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds

Nuts are natural dried fruits that grow in single or double pieces in a firm pod. Nuts have many benefits. Seeds such as sunflower seeds, sesame, black seed, squash, chia, etc. are nutritionally very similar to nuts.

Properties of nuts and seeds:

  • They are high in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fat.
  • They are rich in protein and have amino acids that are good for vascular health.
  • Do not have cholesterol
  • They have a lot of dietary fiber
  • They have a lot of phytochemicals that act as antioxidants
  • They are a good source of vitamins E, B, niacin, folate, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, selenium, phosphorus and potassium.Nuts and seeds


Due to the special properties of nuts and seeds, they are useful for the following:

  • Weight adjustment
  • Reduce heart disease
  • Reduce the risk of diabetes

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Types of pistachios for export: Pistachio  is one of the most delicious and best nuts and foods in the world that has many fans around the world. Pistachio is the name of the fruit of a small tree that originates from the Middle East. This fruit tree is grown in countries such as Iran, Syria, Turkmenistan and western Afghanistan, and this delicious and lovely food grows on it. Pistachio is its Persian and Iranian name, and the same name entered the European language.

Nuts and seeds



Pistachio is one of the most expensive types of nuts and dried fruits, which is very famous and lovable in the world, and our country, Iran, has been the first exporter of this product in the whole world for many years. So Iran, the United States and China are in second and third place in pistachio exports in the world. The value of global pistachio exports is $ 1.81 billion, of which the US share is 842 million, Hong Kong’s share is 359 million and Iran’s share is close to $ 200 million.

Nutritional value of pistachios:

  • Carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fats and dietary fiber.

Pistachios are also rich in minerals, potassium, iron, calcium, zinc, copper and sodium.

These nuts contain essential vitamins, such as vitamins C, B6, A, K, thiamine, folate, choline, acid and betaine.

The following sources are available in 100 grams of pistachio kernels:

  • Fatty substances 54 g
  • Calcium 130 mg
  • Phosphorus 500 mg
  • Iron 7.5 mg
  • 15 grams of starch
  • 5 grams of water
  • 20 grams of protein
  • Potassium 950 mg
  • Vitamin A 230 units
  • Vitamin B 1 0.7 mg
  • Vitamin B3 1/5 mgNuts and seeds


Benefits and medicinal properties of pistachios

  • Pistachio bark decoction is useful for relieving itching of female genitals.
  • Decoction of pistachio bark and leaves is useful for relieving anal pain and itching.
  • Pistachio kernels are due to the presence of hematopoietic iron, and those with anemia must eat some pistachios daily.
  • Eating pistachios strengthens sexual power.
  • Strengthens the brain and mind.
  • Pistachio strengthens the stomach.
  • It is useful for relieving cough.
  • It is useful for calming the heart and calming the nerves.
  • Pistachio is recommended to open the liver ducts.
  • Treats normal diarrhea and dysentery.


ATT Trading Group is ready to supply pistachios in any volume and in any quality.

With a specialized team in the field of international trade, we can deliver your desired product to the destination in the shortest time.

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