

Rice is one of the most important grains and food items in the world that there are dozens of different ways to classify it, but in general, rice is a grain in long, medium and short sizes.

Types of rice

The first group: long grain

1.White rice

Long grain white rice is one of the most well-known types of rice in any kitchen and is usually cooked by absorption in a pot with a certain amount of water. Rice absorbs this water, acquires a soft, puffy texture, and its grains are distinct.


2. Brown rice

Long grain brown rice is a complete type of white rice from which bran and vegetable layers are not separated, so brown rice has a hazelnut flavor and is felt under the teeth. One of the fastest ways to cook rice, as we Iranians call it, is to brew it, or, as the Persians call it, to make pasta. Pour the rice into a large pot containing boiling water and let it boil until soft, then drain the excess water with the help of a strainer. With the help of this method, brown rice can be cooked well.


3.Basmati rice

Basmati is the main rice in Indian and Pakistani cuisine, known for its very long grains, distinctive aroma and taste. Basmati rice should be soaked for one to two hours before cooking.


4.Jasmine rice

Jasmine rice is a type of Thai rice that has long and semi-transparent grains, after cooking, a pleasant and gentle aroma rises from it and finds a sticky texture. Jasmine rice should be washed before cooking to return the excess starch.


Medium grain rice

  1. Japanese rice (sushi rice)

Japanese model rice is usually used to make sushi, but it is also very suitable as a simple rice for food. This rice has a semi-transparent and firm state in raw form, but after cooking, it becomes sticky.


  1. Bumba rice

Bomba is a type of Spanish rice used to make traditional paella food. Bombay rice absorbs twice as much water as long grain rice, yet it does not become sticky like other short grain rice.


Short grain rice

  1. Arbario rice

Arbario rice is a type of Italian rice and one of the most abundant Italian superfino rice that has been used in the past to make risotto. Arbario rice has thick and coarse grains and large amounts of amylopectin. Amylopectin is a viscous starch that is featured in risotto commercials as a creamy agent.


  1. Short grain brown rice

Short-grain brown rice, like other types of short-grain rice, has high levels of amylopectin, which makes it slightly sticky after cooking. The intact bran of this rice makes it a little firmer than white rice.


Special rice

  1. Chinese black rice

Chinese black rice, called forbidden rice, is a whole rice that retains its shape after cooking, does not stick and has a soft texture. Thanks to the dark purple color of this rice, it can give a good effect to any food.


  1. Wild rice

Wild rice is not actually rice, but the seed of a plant called North America. Today, contrary to its name, which is expected to grow as a car, wild rice is grown and harvested and sold in supermarkets. Its long grains, which are in great need of chewing, give a special pleasure to rice dishes.


  1. Caligira rice

This rice is a medium grain rice belonging to the Bengal region in India, which is called “Basmati baby” because of its small size. Caligira rice is traditionally cooked by the dehydration method and is used as a good alternative to basmati rice.


ATT Trading Group can supply rice in different types and in different packages. After registering the rice order, the loading and delivery steps at the destination will be done by a specialized food trading team.