

Types of wallpaper

Wallpaper division is possible from different aspects. A simple wallpaper can be divided into different characteristics such as design, color, application, material, type of printing and other items. Paying attention to this will allow the user to choose a basic wallpaper.

In the following, a detailed explanation of each of the above items is given, and you can select and purchase wallpaper according to the images provided for each of the different types of the mentioned categories. So join us.

Types of wallpaper in terms of design in general

The design of a wallpaper is the first thing that is in front of the eyes of an audience and is the most important element of buying wallpaper. There are two types of wallpaper design, general and specific, which will be discussed in the next section. The classification of wallpapers in terms of design in general are:

  • Simple wallpaper

Patterned wallpaper

  • 3D wallpaper

This category is the most basic division of wallpaper and that is why all wallpapers are always introduced with the name of one of the above. The difference between a simple, patterned or three-dimensional design is in creating a kind of depth in three-dimensional images that brings the image very close to reality and makes it look completely prominent without the desired image being prominent.


Types of wallpaper in terms of design in a professional look

There is another type of wallpaper design division that is introduced according to the theme in the foreground and is related to different human tastes. This division includes the following.

  • Modern wallpaper
  • Classic wallpaper
  • Embossed wallpaper
  • Visual wallpaper

Types of wallpaper in terms of color

The color of the wallpaper is very important. This color is a wallpaper that determines whether you can choose it according to the interior design of your desired space or you should look for other examples. Wallpapers fall into the following categories in terms of color:

  • Wallpaper with a completely fancy color
  • Non-fancy colored wallpaper
  • Wallpaper with bright colors
  • Wallpaper with various colors
  • Dark colored wallpaper
  • Wallpaper with classic colors and …

Each of the above wallpapers has a special application that you should consider when buying wallpaper. Paying attention to this is necessary to make a safe and principled purchase.


Types of wallpaper in terms of application

When deciding to buy and choose a wallpaper, you should also specify its use. The use of wallpaper means you intend to buy it for a particular space. Some places are commercial and many are residential. In residential houses, some space is dedicated to bedrooms and others to living room and reception hall.

Do you think that all wallpapers can be considered suitable for all types of spaces and regardless of the nature of the space, buy and install wallpaper? It is clear that the answer is no and we must pay attention to their correct and logical use.

Wallpaper suitable for commercial places

This type of wallpaper should not only be made of more durable material, but also should be made of non-fancy colors and modern designs, preferably three-dimensional. Of course, the type of business may be such that it can justify the purchase of fancy wallpaper with various colors and in the form of images.

Like the business of making children’s items. Of course, the colors used in stores and commercial places usually change and evolve over a period of several years. Usually, when choosing wallpaper for stores, commercial places and shops, special attention is paid to the color of the year and fashion, and the color of the organization and the brand.

Wallpaper suitable for children’s bedrooms

This type of wallpaper should be simpler and brighter. The use of fancy colors is very attractive and favorite of children. To choose the wallpaper for a child’s room, the color of the curtains and bedspreads is usually considered, and in terms of quality, standard wallpapers in terms of material and printing must be used.

Wallpaper suitable for girls’ rooms

This type of wallpaper has romantic designs and girly colors. For example, we can mention pink, lilac, peach or heart and flower designs, etc. Baby and girl room wallpaper can be customized to taste and can also be produced.

Types of wallpaper

Wallpaper suitable for boys’ bedrooms

Wallpapers with blue and purple colors or designs including graphic designs or images of animals or galaxies, etc. can be a suitable and principled choice. Wallpaper with fancy city designs, cars, English writings and such designs are also very popular with boys that one wall can be used with these designs and the rest of the walls can be executed with simple complementary colors.

Wallpaper suitable for adult bedrooms

For the adult bedroom, it is better to use three-dimensional and graphic designs, and if the taste suits, romantic designs as well as non-fancy colors. Of course, the choice of bedroom wallpaper is completely tasteful and can be completely different designs and suitable for personal taste and there are no restrictions. Watercolor designs, flowers, geometric shapes, etc. can also be your options for choosing wallpaper.

Wallpaper suitable for living room and reception hall

In this regard, you should be careful that if you have a small space, do not use crowded designs and various colors or dark. High-contrast wallpapers make the space more crowded and smaller, and wallpapers with color differences between the background and flowers or wallpaper designs are more secluded and suitable for longer use.

Using prominent designs in the reception hall is also a good choice. If you have a lot of space, you will have more choice. Wallpaper albums in a set put together complementary designs that make the choice easier, and can be from patterned paper for main walls, dark plain for columns and small cracks, and corrugated paper for Used the corridors of the house.


Types of wallpaper in terms of gender

The material of the wallpapers is of special importance after choosing their design, color and application. Issues related to wallpaper are one of the specialized topics in this field and it is better to get comprehensive information about it before buying wallpaper.

PVC wallpaper with vinyl coating

This type of wallpaper is very durable and can be washed due to its special coating. It lasts for about 5 to 10 years and is completely scratch-resistant.

Nano wallpaper

This type of wallpaper is produced using nanotechnology and in addition to the positive features of PVC wallpaper, anti-allergy, heat and sound insulation, non-tear, sun and color resistance and also They are anti-dirt.

Textured wallpaper

This type of wallpaper, which is also known as velvet wallpaper, has a PVC background in which pieces of velvet have been used in its texture. Although this has created a very special wallpaper, it is non-washable and this is the most important objection that can be made to them.

Natural fiber wallpaper or bread won

The rarest, most valuable and most expensive type of wallpaper should be considered as its natural fiber type. This type of wallpaper is made of Finnish wood and natural fibers, and it is noteworthy that it has all the positive features of a wallpaper alone and has a special charm due to the natural design and color. Usually, the type of printing that is done on Nan Won wallpaper is unique and similar to it can not be seen in PVC papers, etc.

The technology of making Nan Won wallpaper is in the hands of a limited number of American and European companies, and for this reason, it is usually original and original, and the models that are produced with the same material in other countries are under the supervision of the main brands.

Types of wallpaper in terms of type of printing

Many countries in the field of wallpaper related industries have started to produce and supply different devices with different brands. But in the meantime, Japanese-made devices are very famous and popular in the world and form one of the pillars of a principled and safe purchase.