

Classification of types of detergents

The different types of cleaners we use to clean clothes, surfaces and include the following:

1- Detergent

Types of detergents:

Powder detergents are more effective than liquid detergents, but liquid detergents are softer for fabrics and better for cleaning. Detergents are also available in packages. In general, detergents are composed of two types of anionic and non-anionic compounds. Some of them are also a combination of both. Detergent powders are anionic. They are derivatives of aromatic sulfonate fatty acids. These compounds are suitable for cleaning natural fabrics such as cotton or linen. To use this detergent, soft and warm water works better. Do not use hard water with these detergents.



2- Soaps

The second category of detergents that are very popular and used and dating back to centuries ago, are soaps. If you look at how different surfaces or clothes have been washed throughout history, you will realize the importance of soaps. In general, soap is a cleaning agent containing a salt of fatty acids that is made using an alkaline compound such as sodium hydroxide. The presence of vegetable fat compounds – animal fat is required for the preparation of various soaps.



3- Bleaching

The third category of the most common types of detergents are bleach solutions. In general, bleach types are divided into two categories: bleach containing chlorine and bleach containing oxygen. Chlorine bleaches are very strong and whiten surfaces effectively. If this type of bleach is used to clean the fabric, it will gradually weaken the fabric fibers and ultimately reduce its strength.



4- Laundry booster

Laundry booster solutions are another type of detergent. These are compounds that are added to laundry detergents as additives to increase washing performance. In fact, laundry enhancer is a compound that is very effective in removing the best stains and brightening the color of clothes. Detergent compounds have the ability to soften water.



5- Stain remover – stain removers

One of the types of detergents that we deal with in our daily lives is stainless solutions. Stain cleaners have the ability to remove all types of stains from surfaces. Detergents, alcohols, minerals and some enzymes are used to synthesize this type of detergent. The type of stain-free formulation is very effective in removing the stain and removing its effects.


6- Optical brighteners

Another type of detergent is optical brighteners. Adding these detergents to the base solutions makes the surfaces whiter and brighter. These solutions absorb ultraviolet light from the sun and emit blue light, like fluorescent lamps.


7- Fabric softener

One of the most common types of detergents we deal with is fabric softeners. You may have encountered the situation that after washing all kinds of clothes, their texture has become rough and rough. Fabric softener can create softness and softness for clothes. In the fabric softener formulation, there are antistatic substances that will eliminate the static electricity in the clothes. The fabric softener also prevents clothes from wrinkling. You can use fabric softener detergent to wash all kinds of sheets, clothes, curtains and the like.




8- Shampoo

Shampoos are divided into different categories. Shampoos that are used for daily bathing to wash the hair and body are the simplest shampoos and some other types of shampoos are used for fabrics. Definitely, shampoos are strong detergents that have a mild formulation. In preparing shampoos, chemical compounds such as lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid in the shampoo are used to be effective as a suitable cleaning agent in clothing



9-water softener

Water softeners are special detergents that are used for cases where the hardness of the water is very high in that area. The hardness of the water precipitates iron, calcium and magnesium ions, making the appearance of the wash very cloudy and undesirable. Water softener can remove hardening ions and make clothes and surfaces better clean.
