Women’s Health

Women's Health

The importance of women’s health

Preventing inflammation of the vagina and vulva: Sometimes infectious agents such as a bacterium can be caused by various factors such as during sex (contamination of the penis), use of contaminated underwear, late changing of sanitary pads and bacteria entering the vagina from the anus in When washing the area, it enters the vagina and causes infection in the woman. For this reason, it is necessary for women to wash the vaginal area regularly with special washing solutions. Change your sanitary pad regularly during menstruation and make sure the other person is healthy during sex.

Uterine and ovarian checkups: Another important thing that women should follow is regular checkups and regular ultrasounds for early detection of possible diseases such as ovarian and uterine cysts.

Treatment of menstrual disorders: A normal menstrual cycle in women is between 21 and 35 days, which is important to have regular, and if it is irregular, the person must see a doctor. Also, the amount of bleeding during menstruation is important, the amount of which should be about 35 ml or less than half a cup, and the maximum amount should not exceed 80 ml, otherwise it is necessary to see a doctor.

One of the best products that can be used to prevent problems outside the vagina and achieve clean, odorless, soft and supple skin, is a variety of women’s washing gels.

Women's Health


  1. Hydra-Soothing fluid, a non-greasy moisturizing milk, repairs and nourishes skin

Many women experience darkening of the genital area, which can cause discomfort. One of the methods that can be used to remove the darkness in this area is to use a hydrodermabrasion lightening wash gel.

  1. Women’s health gel

This product is one of the best women’s cleansing gels that has antiseptic properties and therefore can be very useful for women who get infected regularly, and prevent fungus or any other type of infection.

Women's Health


  1. Women’s menstrual cup

Another women’s health and care product that has been in high demand for some time is the menstrual cup; The product is in the form of a cup made of medical silicone and is inserted into the vagina to collect blood from menstruation. This product is one of the most useful products for women due to its high durability, which can reach several years, and not allowing bleeding due to menstruation.